Over the past few years, I have given blogging a try and have failed to be consistent in my attempt. The continual inconstancy has lead to frustration with myself in my inability to have a rhythm to my writing schedule. This morning, I realized that the problem with not writing and blogging is that I am not sharing my life, ideas, excitements and frustrations with my friends and family. This was my only desire in blogging and continues to be. Knowing that I have so many friends and family scattered all over the place it is hard to find a time to be able to be in contact with each and every one. Therefore, this is my attempt to allow people to be connected with what is happening here in Arlington as Anthony and I enter our third year of marriage. This is an attempt to be a part of something more and to engage, even in a limited way, in the lives of the so many that we love and care for.
Through this blog, I hope to be able to share the real life joys, pains, frustrations and adventures that we engage on and in on a daily basis. As we journey with the Lord, together and separately I pray that this is a place to be in community even though we are so far away. I hope to share more frequently, but as for grace as I attempt to learn a discipline that has been so hard for me in the past. I ask, though, that you will embark on this journey with me and that hopefully we will be able to connect and grow in amazing ways.
Grace and Peace,
Growing Roots
Journeying, Learning, Growing and Digging in... Some thoughts reflections and struggles of a female, minister, student, wife, daughter and friend.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Monday, May 17, 2010
The Questions
The past few months have been interesting to me. They have consisted of some of the best times in my life as well as some of the hardest. Relationships have been changed and challenged and I have been left wondering what am I doing? where am I going? and what is the purpose? With all of these trials and joys I have learned that the only way to know or make it through is to continually let go and left God have control. Sometimes I hate saying these words because I am weary of sounding too churchy, but I am left with an understanding that sometimes that's ok. I have been challenged lately in my leadership style, my passion and my purpose and with all of this have come to the understanding, even more than in the past, that my purpose is to serve, love and care for other people. I have also learned that sometimes that comes in different forms and has to have different boundaries, but that I have to let God have control of it.
It's funny though because even with all of this happening it has been amazing to have a loving caring husband to share with and lean on. He has been a blessing in more ways than I can say. I have also been blessed with new friends and old ones that have taught me about real community and how when we live in community we are able to share in each others burdens. God has been blessing, teaching and guiding even in the midst of struggle, pain and lost relationships. So today I am left with this prayer :
If this is where I need to be to learn, to grow and to be worthy of God's calling I am here listening, doing and learning.
It's funny though because even with all of this happening it has been amazing to have a loving caring husband to share with and lean on. He has been a blessing in more ways than I can say. I have also been blessed with new friends and old ones that have taught me about real community and how when we live in community we are able to share in each others burdens. God has been blessing, teaching and guiding even in the midst of struggle, pain and lost relationships. So today I am left with this prayer :
Remember, O Lord, what you have wrought in us and not what we deserve; and, as you have called me to your service, make me worthy of your calling; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen
If this is where I need to be to learn, to grow and to be worthy of God's calling I am here listening, doing and learning.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
I believe...
I've been working through my faith a lot lately, working on Grad school entrance papers and licensing papers. All of which have had me articulate my faith, what I believe. So this is it. This is what I believe.
I believe in one beautiful, merciful and majestic God who created the world through the power of His spoken word. I believe in the God who created mankind out of love and grace to take care of the earth and to be in relationship with God himself.
I believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who is God; that came into this world as a true human being to redeem the human race of sin and death. I believe in Jesus Christ who taught us to love all people no matter ethnicity, religion, gender, or status and to live a life that is pleasing to God Himself. Jesus Christ who walked day in and day out with twelve Disciples teaching, love and enjoying life with them and sharing with the, joys and pains of true community. Jesus Christ who willingly carried his own cross to be crucified as the ultimate Sin Sacrifice for all mankind. Jesus Christ who after being sacrificed rose again on the third day becoming our High Priest for all who chose to believe.
I believe in the Holy Spirit who is one in the same as God and Christ, who lives and dwells in us, leading and guiding. The Holy Spirit that came down in tongues of fire to help and guide in the growth and continuation of the Church.
I believe in one unified Church that has been sent to tell all about the beauty and majesty of our Lord, the redemption of Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I believe that we are a united priesthood of believers called to love and to teach love, to serve and to teach service and to worship united as one the One Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
What do you believe?
I believe in one beautiful, merciful and majestic God who created the world through the power of His spoken word. I believe in the God who created mankind out of love and grace to take care of the earth and to be in relationship with God himself.
I believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who is God; that came into this world as a true human being to redeem the human race of sin and death. I believe in Jesus Christ who taught us to love all people no matter ethnicity, religion, gender, or status and to live a life that is pleasing to God Himself. Jesus Christ who walked day in and day out with twelve Disciples teaching, love and enjoying life with them and sharing with the, joys and pains of true community. Jesus Christ who willingly carried his own cross to be crucified as the ultimate Sin Sacrifice for all mankind. Jesus Christ who after being sacrificed rose again on the third day becoming our High Priest for all who chose to believe.
I believe in the Holy Spirit who is one in the same as God and Christ, who lives and dwells in us, leading and guiding. The Holy Spirit that came down in tongues of fire to help and guide in the growth and continuation of the Church.
I believe in one unified Church that has been sent to tell all about the beauty and majesty of our Lord, the redemption of Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I believe that we are a united priesthood of believers called to love and to teach love, to serve and to teach service and to worship united as one the One Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
What do you believe?
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Best Stuck of the Year
And the award goes to....Jessica Ronhaar. Yes, as of now I am the holder of the best stuck of the year award for snowmobiling. We have been going alot this season, well as much as we can with the lack of snow up here in our parts. I have been learning, but I am not the best rider ever. If that wasn't a surprise to anyone. Anthony says that I am doing well for never riding any type of motorized vehicle before. So the other day I was trying to get up a hill, without stopping. (I have learned that stopping is bad because you get stuck) As I was climbing I could feel my sled beginning to lean toward the left. I tried to get to the right side to counteract the roll, but it never happened. Next thing I know, I was in a large hole in some strange position with my sled on top of me. Anthony says it was amusing to watch, especially when I started screaming for Anthony. It took us about an hour to dig out my sled and flip it back over. Needless to say, I have the award. Thank you all for your help in receiving this award. Well not really I got this one all by myself. Here are some pictures.

Saturday, January 23, 2010
And we're back....Maybe
So today I realized that i haven't really blogged or updated about life in a really long time. I realized that I have been a slacker for the past few months. I really don't know what my excuse is. I mean yes, I have had alot going on in life, but not enough to not keep up with keeping friends and family updated on my life. So, I am using this time to apologize to everyone for slacking off. I am sorry and as of now I am going to try very hard to actually use my blog. To actually update you on the happenings of life here in the Ronhaar household. To keep everyone updated on what is happening with ministry, family, life, Arlington and Washington. Now, I'm not promising miracles so don't expect this to take off too fast, but I am promising to attempt to be more purposeful in writing. So get ready everyone and let me know what you would like to hear about. Ministry? Family? Arlington? Food? (I have been cooking alot and making some tasty food). Let me know what you would like to hear about as well so that I'm not completely boring everyone.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Time to Begin Again
Wow, it has been a long time since I have last blogged. There is so much that has happened in life, but for some reason I have had a lack of wanting to share. I have been loving life, but have desperately not wanted to sit and blog. I really don't know why it has seemed like such a chore to me, but nonetheless it has been something that I have avoided like the plague. So I sit here wondering if I need to recount what has happened in life over the last few months, detailing events and trips, people and relationships. I think that there could be some benefit in that, but at the same time I am more excited about the future, so I have come to the conclusion that I will start from the here and now. I will start from the new crazy, amazing, scary and exciting stage in my life that I am in. I have met the man of my dreams and am getting married in 36 days I will be Mrs. Anthony Ronhaar. I am so excited, yet with so much to do and so many people to please I want to run away and hide. So from this point on I am going to share about my life and what is happening in this, one of the biggest transitions in my life.
Monday, May 04, 2009
The Places Jesus has never visited
At the beginning of April we took a group of students to Southern California for a mission trip to Skid Row in LA. While on this trip we decided to being Jesus (a picture of him) with us and allow him to visit some of the sites with us. While on this excursion we thought that we would introduce Jesus to places that he has never been allowed to visit before. Here is a little video documenting this trip. Stuart will take you and Jesus on a tour of the places Jesus has never visited. Oh and just a side note. Please know that this may be a little sarcastic and cynical so please don't take offense or if you do...I'm sorry.
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