I am working on a paper for school looking at leadership in a postmodern church environment. I have been thinking about this alot and am having a hard time articulating what it is I am trying to say.
Here is the issue. I believe that leadership in the Church has left its roots and has become more about corporate leadership and less about holistic leadership. Leadership has become about career and goals, standards, rules, compartmentalized church rather than community and incarnational, holistic leadership.
I believe that the church needs to go back to a holistic approach if it is ever going to be effective in the world today. SO many people today are weary of corporate models and are looking for places where they are wanted and can actually be a part of something more than numbers.
So I would like to post a question to you. What do you think of church leadership? Do you like the way it is now? Does it need to change? What would it look like if it were to change? Thoughts, ideas, and questions are always welcome.
Journeying, Learning, Growing and Digging in... Some thoughts reflections and struggles of a female, minister, student, wife, daughter and friend.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
YD video
Stuart made this video for the banquet. I thought that you guys might like to see what is happening here in Arlington and what we are doing. Enjoy.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
And the Results are in...
Well, this years banquet went quite well. Over all it was a great event. Our goal was to raise $30,000 dollars and right now we are at about $25,000. Which is awesome. Some people are still deciding on things also. I am now at 95% supported, which is awesome!!! I have about $390 a month left to raise to be at 100%. It is awesome to see how God has provided in this time and process. I am excited because this also means that I can cut back ours at my side job and spend some more time with the students. I have to admit that daily god continues to blow me away with what He is doing here in Arlington and the people He is using in this process.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Today is the big day, today is Arlington Youth Dynamics annual fundraising banquet. We have been working on this for the last few weeks and it is finally here. There are still a few loose ends that need to be tied up, but other than that I think that we are ready.
Please be praying for this event tonight, please pray that people will want to be a part of the ministry here in Arlington and become a part of our support team. Our goal is to raise $30, 000 for our ministry to run here in Arlington. Please also be praying because 3 table are dedicated to my support. As of now I need $800 a month to be at 100%. Please pray that people will be a part of my being here in Arlington. Please pray that people will have a good time and that we get everything done.
Please be praying for this event tonight, please pray that people will want to be a part of the ministry here in Arlington and become a part of our support team. Our goal is to raise $30, 000 for our ministry to run here in Arlington. Please also be praying because 3 table are dedicated to my support. As of now I need $800 a month to be at 100%. Please pray that people will be a part of my being here in Arlington. Please pray that people will have a good time and that we get everything done.
Monday, March 03, 2008
How to catch a polar bear
So my Step dad likes to take pictures and photo shop them and make strange pictures. I found this amusing and thought that I would share it. In case anyone ever wanted to know how to catch a polar bear...he has given you 3 easy steps.
And please don't forget the very last and most important step....RUN!!!!

Sunday, March 02, 2008
Random Question
So here is my random question of the day...when you meet someone new and you think that they are pretty cool...when is is ok to ask them to hang out sometime? Is it ever not awkward at this point? How do you make this exchange less awkward? Do you have to see each other a few times before it is ok to ask to hang out? Ok I am done with the questions for now...anyone have any input?
Saturday, March 01, 2008
"When you summarise the Great Commandment with one word, it would be relationships. Nothing matters more to God than relationhsips.
They are the source and context for eternal life. Having right
relationship with God results in having relationships with others."
- Erwin McManus
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