Journeying, Learning, Growing and Digging in... Some thoughts reflections and struggles of a female, minister, student, wife, daughter and friend.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Indiana Jones-a-thon
Today is our Indiana Jones-a-thon. We are taking two days to watch every movie, bon fire, play games, eat food and see the New movie. I'll let you all know how it goes...I'm excited!!! I hope that the movie doesn't suck either.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Golfers wanted

Alright, so as many of you know I am a missionary with Youth Dynamics in Arlington, Washington. I work with at risk rural teens. With my missionary status comes support raising. The point behind me telling you these things is that I am in need of a golfer for our annual golf marathon. I am looking for someone who is willing to golf 100 holes on Monday August 25th and help raise money toward my being here in Arlington. This person needs to help find people to sponsor them in this effort and must be willing to commit to raising at least $25 per hold, which comes to $2500. That is the minimum needed if more is raised it would be welcomed. This person doesn't have to collect the money, just find people to pledge, we will do the rest. This person also doesn't have to be good at golf. There is also potential for prizes...including vacations. If you would like to golf or know someone who would let me know by this Friday, May 30th. If you aren't here in Washington, I will get you here. So email me at if you have any ideas or would like to golf...I will even take this awesome golfer out to an amazing dinner.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
I don't know what it is, but lately I seem to be really frustrated. I seem to be more frustrated with myself and others. People are getting on my nerves and it is little things that are annoying me. Things that usually wouldn't bother me at all. I really don't understand why I have been so on edge. I don't like it though. I don't like feeling frustrated, on edge and angry. I desperately want to feel joyful, peaceful and content. What is it that gets us to the point of frustration? Is is exhaustion, the need for change, desiring something? I don't know...I really don't, but I wish that I knew how to change it.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Super Support Day

Today was SUPER SUPPORT RAISING DAY It was the most amazing day ever!!! Ok not so much. I have to admit that at the end of the day I don't feel as accomplished as I thought I would. I was super excited and drove up to the Co Op in Mount Vernon to write letters. (I decided that I needed a change of scenery to write well). I literally wrote letters for four hours. My hand hurt and by the time I was done I had only written ten letters. I guess that my expectations were too high expecting to write every letter I needed to in the course of a few hours.
It was a good day though. It was nice to be able to share with people back home what has been happening here in Arlington, to share stories of students and how God has been working in people's lives. The funny things is that at the end of the day I was left feeling sad. I think that writing letters to people that I saw day in and day out back home left me remembering the people I love. I am still grateful to be here though and after writing all those letters remembered how big God is.
So, SUPER SUPPORT RAISING DAY was a success, it had a few side effects, but it was good. Please be praying as these letters are sent out that the 15% in monthly that I still need to raise will come soon. And hey if you would like to help support a missionary in Arlington, WA here is a link to do so and thank you.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Good Day

Today, I needed to be out of the office, take some time off and rest a little. So I went home, made lunch and fell asleep watching cheesy daytime tv. After that I had the brilliant idea to make banana bread. It turned out pretty well for my first time and it being gluten free. Next I cleaned my house, which was needed desperatly. By this time it was time for dinner...I made amazing chicken stir fry. It was so good. Needless to say I feel alot better than I did this morning and I am greatful for a day full of nothing really. It was awesome.
There you go, that is a recap of the day.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Yesterday had a discussion with someone from my Church who is attending Bible College about evangelism. This semester he is taking evangelism class and is reading all kinds of books on the topic. He informed me that he had to come to the conclusion by the end of the semester as to what the best form of evangelism is. So I asked him what he thought the "best form of evangelism" was. He began to inform as he began the class he thought that street evangelism was the best method. Now, I have to admit that when I heard this I was floored. I didn't think that anyone really thought this was a good thing. He believed that standing on a street corner telling people about the gospel was the best way to "evangelize". He then informed me that after reading and researching, though, he realized that this was indeed not the best method. I felt a glimmer of hope and asked "what is the best method, then?" He proceeded to inform me that after researching and discussing with other people that the best method of evangelism was in fact door to door evangelism. I quickly responded in dismay "you mean like Mormons or j-ho's?" He looked at me and laughed and said yes.
Our conversation continued for a while with me asking how this would work and if there would be follow-up, would relationships be built? I then expressed my view on evangelism and actually loving people, being their friends, living life with them...he looked at me like I was nuts and said "I am trying to figure out how you think. Are you postmodern?" I responded with "I guess I am, but the people you are going to meet out there think like me, they ask questions, they aren't looking for black and white answers, they are looking for more, for something real."
I left this conversation saddened. Saddened by the fact that this is what is being taught to Bible School students. Now I know that many times I am way out there and many people wouldn't agree with many of my thoughts and opinions, but I would like to know what other people think about "Evangelism". What is evangelism to you? What is the best "method"? Please share your thoughts and won't hurt my feelings.
Our conversation continued for a while with me asking how this would work and if there would be follow-up, would relationships be built? I then expressed my view on evangelism and actually loving people, being their friends, living life with them...he looked at me like I was nuts and said "I am trying to figure out how you think. Are you postmodern?" I responded with "I guess I am, but the people you are going to meet out there think like me, they ask questions, they aren't looking for black and white answers, they are looking for more, for something real."
I left this conversation saddened. Saddened by the fact that this is what is being taught to Bible School students. Now I know that many times I am way out there and many people wouldn't agree with many of my thoughts and opinions, but I would like to know what other people think about "Evangelism". What is evangelism to you? What is the best "method"? Please share your thoughts and won't hurt my feelings.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Well it seems that I have forgotten to blog for about a month now...sorry about that. Life has gotten the best of me and remembering to blog has been something that hasn't really happened. Here is a little catch-up of what has happened...
- I have been gone almost every weekend. I have learned to river kayak, river raft, rappel and I attempted rock climbing (we are are still working on that).
- I have come to the conclusion that I love water based activities even though everyone swears that I will love rock climbing...I just had a bad first experience.
- I am still working a part time job at the Local Scoop which takes up alot of my evenings which is ok for now because I don't have any friends to hang out with who don't have kids...but one day this will change which means that I need to keep working on support raising to be at 100%. That means that one day I could have a normal life. (I have still yet to experience a "normal" they even exist?)
- I went shopping with Janelle and we decorated my house. It looks awesome. I came to the realization though that I am offically an adult. I pay real rent now and have my own is a little strange, but I think that I like it.
- My world has been rocked lately in contemplating what it is that the kids that I work with need. I have come to the realization that they don't need the games and events that we have always put on in youth ministry...they need my time, love, story and someone to journey through life with them. (this is the most basic level of this realization...I may post more in depth some other time.)
- We took two students with us the the Core a couple of weeks ago and it was a great time watching them realize that there is potential for them to make change happen in their world. We then took them to a sweet church in Seattle. It was awesome to spend the day with two students and just really spend time with them with no real intention except to be.
- The semester is almost over, but I still have a 20 page paper to write. It is funny because this sholdn't scare me, but somehow this concept terrifies me and in this fear I procastinate even more. It is a strange cycle. Needless to say I know what I need to write, but the writing process is still yet to begin.
Everything that has been happening around here has been tiring to say the least, but it has been awesome and I am loving every minute of it. Sorry for the quick overview, but I will try to be a little more consistent in this process.
- I have been gone almost every weekend. I have learned to river kayak, river raft, rappel and I attempted rock climbing (we are are still working on that).
- I have come to the conclusion that I love water based activities even though everyone swears that I will love rock climbing...I just had a bad first experience.
- I am still working a part time job at the Local Scoop which takes up alot of my evenings which is ok for now because I don't have any friends to hang out with who don't have kids...but one day this will change which means that I need to keep working on support raising to be at 100%. That means that one day I could have a normal life. (I have still yet to experience a "normal" they even exist?)
- I went shopping with Janelle and we decorated my house. It looks awesome. I came to the realization though that I am offically an adult. I pay real rent now and have my own is a little strange, but I think that I like it.
- My world has been rocked lately in contemplating what it is that the kids that I work with need. I have come to the realization that they don't need the games and events that we have always put on in youth ministry...they need my time, love, story and someone to journey through life with them. (this is the most basic level of this realization...I may post more in depth some other time.)
- We took two students with us the the Core a couple of weeks ago and it was a great time watching them realize that there is potential for them to make change happen in their world. We then took them to a sweet church in Seattle. It was awesome to spend the day with two students and just really spend time with them with no real intention except to be.
- The semester is almost over, but I still have a 20 page paper to write. It is funny because this sholdn't scare me, but somehow this concept terrifies me and in this fear I procastinate even more. It is a strange cycle. Needless to say I know what I need to write, but the writing process is still yet to begin.
Everything that has been happening around here has been tiring to say the least, but it has been awesome and I am loving every minute of it. Sorry for the quick overview, but I will try to be a little more consistent in this process.
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