Journeying, Learning, Growing and Digging in... Some thoughts reflections and struggles of a female, minister, student, wife, daughter and friend.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Best Stuck of the Year
And the award goes to....Jessica Ronhaar. Yes, as of now I am the holder of the best stuck of the year award for snowmobiling. We have been going alot this season, well as much as we can with the lack of snow up here in our parts. I have been learning, but I am not the best rider ever. If that wasn't a surprise to anyone. Anthony says that I am doing well for never riding any type of motorized vehicle before. So the other day I was trying to get up a hill, without stopping. (I have learned that stopping is bad because you get stuck) As I was climbing I could feel my sled beginning to lean toward the left. I tried to get to the right side to counteract the roll, but it never happened. Next thing I know, I was in a large hole in some strange position with my sled on top of me. Anthony says it was amusing to watch, especially when I started screaming for Anthony. It took us about an hour to dig out my sled and flip it back over. Needless to say, I have the award. Thank you all for your help in receiving this award. Well not really I got this one all by myself. Here are some pictures.

Saturday, January 23, 2010
And we're back....Maybe
So today I realized that i haven't really blogged or updated about life in a really long time. I realized that I have been a slacker for the past few months. I really don't know what my excuse is. I mean yes, I have had alot going on in life, but not enough to not keep up with keeping friends and family updated on my life. So, I am using this time to apologize to everyone for slacking off. I am sorry and as of now I am going to try very hard to actually use my blog. To actually update you on the happenings of life here in the Ronhaar household. To keep everyone updated on what is happening with ministry, family, life, Arlington and Washington. Now, I'm not promising miracles so don't expect this to take off too fast, but I am promising to attempt to be more purposeful in writing. So get ready everyone and let me know what you would like to hear about. Ministry? Family? Arlington? Food? (I have been cooking alot and making some tasty food). Let me know what you would like to hear about as well so that I'm not completely boring everyone.
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