Thursday, September 28, 2006


So this morning I met with one of my favorite people in the world...Mrs. Katie Edwards. She seriously rocks my face off. We talked and she always has something new for me to learn in the area of youth ministry. Her ideas are so amazing and just blow me away. I am so excited that God has placed her into my life as a friend and mentor. It is so awesome for me to see that women can do youth ministry even though it is such a male dominated field. Even more exciting is that she is willing to help give me insight on anything from my own personal life to youth ministry. She is so down to earth and I hope and pray that as I grow and learn more about student ministries that I will be like her. I am so excited about where this is going and I just am so excited. Katie is totally hooking me up with all kinds of curriculm, books and games. I am so excited I can't stand it. It is so exciting!!!

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