Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Jesus with skin on

Sometimes, God does amazing things to answer our questions, calm out concerns and show us his way. A couple weeks ago this happened to me and it is still resounding in my head and heart. I have been having a hard time making a decision on whether to stay here in California or move to Washington and take this position. I have felt good about the position and the ministry, but have been terrified about moving, and leaving all that I have ever known. It has been a hard decision leaving my family, my church and friends. To leave that safety net and even letting go of hopes that resound with being here. The hardest part? Leaving that friend that has been there for me no matter what.

That is where the the title of this blog comes in. Sunday night, about two weeks ago we were at church and during worship she starts hugging me, to the point where I couldn't even breathe, then she told me "you have to go, Jessica you have to leave. You have waited long enough. You have to go." Tears began to well up in my eyes. Leaving her was one of my hardest decisions. That was the point that I knew. I had to accept the position. It was a clear as day that that was the plan that God had for me. It was truly an amazing experience.

Later she told me that she felt so much peace about me leaving and was so excited. She told me that she felt like God was telling her to tell me. The best part? Was that when I met with my mentor later that week, all that she could say about that experience was "Jess, that is Jesus with skin on. Go call them now and tell them your decision." Wow!!! Sometimes it is just amazing to see how God works in our lives. How he chooses to speak to us in our circumstances and the words that he gives you. "Peace, Peace I give to you. Not peace as the world give, but my peace. Do not let your heart be troubled and let not your heart be afraid."

Needless to say, I am leaving at the end of the summer. I am terrified and excited at the same time. It is going to be amazing to finally be able to do full time ministry. It is going to be scary to leave. It is going to be hard to let go of that hope in something that I have been holding onto, but it is going to be exciting and a new phase in this journey that I am on.


Bronco's Blog said...

Wow! What a cool story about your friend giving you that hug and affirmation about the decision to come to Washington with YD. That is "Jesus with skin on". I know you will miss your friends in CA and there is always going to be opportunities to go back and visit (especially those who are going to be supporting you!). God has amazing plans for you Jess. We are excited to see how God guides you and uses you in the journey ahead.


Anonymous said...

Jesus skin? I've seen silence of the lambs and I'm officially grossed out!