Thursday, August 30, 2007

Sign on my car?

So, this is super frustrating, In the past 3 weeks, I have received 2 speeding tickets. The first one was in Cali on my way here to Washington. I was coming out of the Grapevine, going downhill, trying to keep up with Katelynn and everyone was flying by me. Somehow I was the one who got the ticket. Super sucky way to begin my trip to Washington.

Then this morning on my way into work I was stopped again. Now I was going 75mph. I totally thought that it was a 70mph zone and thought that I was totally safe considering everyone around me was going the same speed. I was mistaken. I guess going to flow of traffic isn't what you do around these parts. I am still so used to going 75mph so that you don't die. The cop wasn't the most pleasant man in the world either and told me to pay better attention. This seriously sucks. I am actually going to contest this one and see what happens. I mean it isn't like I have a ton of extra money to throw around. I need to put gas in the stinking car.


Anonymous said...

Contest this speeding ticket young lady? I'll be there in court to make sure you pay it in full. Don't mess with me you cali hippy! You're going down blondie

Jessica Ronhaar said...

Thank you that makes me feel sooooo much better