Thursday, May 08, 2008


Yesterday had a discussion with someone from my Church who is attending Bible College about evangelism. This semester he is taking evangelism class and is reading all kinds of books on the topic. He informed me that he had to come to the conclusion by the end of the semester as to what the best form of evangelism is. So I asked him what he thought the "best form of evangelism" was. He began to inform as he began the class he thought that street evangelism was the best method. Now, I have to admit that when I heard this I was floored. I didn't think that anyone really thought this was a good thing. He believed that standing on a street corner telling people about the gospel was the best way to "evangelize". He then informed me that after reading and researching, though, he realized that this was indeed not the best method. I felt a glimmer of hope and asked "what is the best method, then?" He proceeded to inform me that after researching and discussing with other people that the best method of evangelism was in fact door to door evangelism. I quickly responded in dismay "you mean like Mormons or j-ho's?" He looked at me and laughed and said yes.

Our conversation continued for a while with me asking how this would work and if there would be follow-up, would relationships be built? I then expressed my view on evangelism and actually loving people, being their friends, living life with them...he looked at me like I was nuts and said "I am trying to figure out how you think. Are you postmodern?" I responded with "I guess I am, but the people you are going to meet out there think like me, they ask questions, they aren't looking for black and white answers, they are looking for more, for something real."

I left this conversation saddened. Saddened by the fact that this is what is being taught to Bible School students. Now I know that many times I am way out there and many people wouldn't agree with many of my thoughts and opinions, but I would like to know what other people think about "Evangelism". What is evangelism to you? What is the best "method"? Please share your thoughts and won't hurt my feelings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course the YD philosophy is relational evangelism. I definitely am a proponent of this type of evangelism. Youth for Christ has a 3 story approach which encourages dialogue in which you share your story, the student shares their story, and then you have the opportunity to share God's story. It is a more relational long term approach to sharing Christ.

I do believe there are times that a "cold turkey" approach does work. God touched my life through a Gospel Tract (along with my own church experience and background). Short term mission teams do this "presentation" type of approach many times especially with children. So I wouldn't count out anything God could use to bring people to Christ. Sometimes the Holy Spirit is moving and we need to be ready to share Christ and the Gospel with them. (1 Peter 3:15). Don't limit God to a philosophy or method. He brings people to Himself in so many different ways.