Over the past month I have had the undeniable confirmation that I am in the exact place that I need to be in for this time in my life. It has been awesome. I have come to realize how much I really love the students that I work with. I can't even explain how much they have affected my life in the the short time that I have known them. I can't explain the bond that we have or how it works, all that I can say is that it works and that it is amazing.
It's funny because I moved here, to Arlington, almost a year ago not knowing what to expect. Missing my friends and family, missing the sunshine, the beach and Wahoo's; being terrified of what was going to come next. It hasn't been an easy road either, but I have never loved what I do so much. Not only have I met amazing people, but God has drawn me in and taught me who I really am without the baggage and safety of what I have always known. I have been stretched beyond my wildest imagination. I have hung upside down off the edge of a boulder, shared my life story with those I didn't know, kayaked class four rapids, and shared my deepest fears with broken people. I have also learned about true community and what that looks like. Who it is that we should be living life with, the broken and beaten and how we are all broken and beaten. It has been an amazing year and I can't wait to see what is in store for the future.
yeah wahoo's! i will double confirm that, even though i miss you tons! God is always working in you and through that He can work in others through your efforts. keep going strong. romans 5:1-5 i know you know it.
no jessica, you are one of the coolest people i know.
thanks jess for your uplifting words. i can't wait to spend some more time with you in morro bay. whats up with you coming alone?
Jess, you are doing such AMAZING things and I feel proud to call you my friend =) I know that you are having such a great impact on all of those kids lives and they are so lucky to have you. It's so awesome that God has put this passion in your heart. you truly inspire me to go out of my comfort zone and do something with my life.
I love you Jess! can't wait for camping
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