I awoke this morning freezing cold. It was 55 degrees in my wonderful trailer and I was fearful to get up and leave the safety of my warm blankets. After I finally got the heater to start working I opened the door to find a frozen landscape
in front of me. The entire place was covered with frozen dew. The grass was frozen, the car was frozen and by the time I was done walking my dog, I was frozen. The best part was when I returned from walking my dog I went to take a shower and the waterline to the trailer had frozen. I had no water!!! Finally the family whose house I live at came home and I was able to use their shower, but let's just say I was a little late to work. All this to say, I am adjusting to the cold, but this is really cold. I mean 45 during the day, 45 is a cold night in So Cal. There is the story and here are some pictures of the coldness this morning.

You're fired for being late to work!
Oh and another way to generate more people on your blog is to respond to comments.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving eating out of a can in the trailer park. Tell Cletus and Darlene I said hey. Oh and you should grow a mullet.
Thanks for the advice...the mullet is in progress.
Wanna know something nuts....Adam would be out there in shorts and a tank telling us it was temperate outside. LOL My hubby has body temp issues.
I think that your husband just has issues...I mean that in love.
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