Journeying, Learning, Growing and Digging in... Some thoughts reflections and struggles of a female, minister, student, wife, daughter and friend.
Monday, January 28, 2008
And We're Back
Friday, January 25, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008

Resting has not always been something that I have been good at. I have always been one to go, go , go and not stop until I have been kicked in the face. I am now coming to realize how vital rest is and how much I lack it. I mean I get enough sleep. I don't need to rest in that sense, but more in the way I live life. Not adding more onto my plate because I think that I can handle it, not trying to do more that I should, but taking time to sit and be still. To be quiet and alone, to enjoy life and not make everything about having to get something done.
Beginning today I am going to be making the choice to learn how to rest, how to enjoy life and live life to the fullest, enjoying life and not making it a burden. I believe that God has given me this life as a gift and it needs to be enjoyed. Beginning today I am looking for that really cool rest area in my life where it is beautiful, sunny and hopefully has clean facilities.
So my question is how do you rest? Do you rest? What do you think rest is? Let's talk.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Stuart Tagged me
Boundaries by John Townsend and Henry Cloud
02. One book that you’ve read more than once
Across Five Aprils by Irene Hunt
03. One book you’d want on a desert island
Camping and Wilderness Survival...I would have to agree with Stuart on this one
04. Two books that made you laugh
Left Behind by Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim Lehaye (it is seriously cheesy)
Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein (this is just an awesome book)
05. One book that made you cry
Story by Steven James
I have to add one more...Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls
06. One book that you wish had been written
How to stay out of the middle of Family drama
07. One book that you wish had never been written
Animal Farm by George Orwell
08. Two books you’re currently reading
Management Essentials for Christian Ministries by Michael Anthony and James Estep, Jr.
Never the Same by Steven James
09. One book you’ve been meaning to read
Sex God by Rob Bell
10. Now tag five (or so) people:Jess, Noelle, Morgan, and Lucas.
Friday, January 04, 2008
Before I die
1. Go to India
2. Get married
3. Have kids
4. Speak at an event
5. Earn my maters degree (this will be done in about a year)
6. Go to San Francisco (I will be there next week)
7. Go to Ireland
8. Do missions work in another country (I went on three trips to Mexico this summer...I would still like to do more though)
9. Have at least one year with one Sabbath day a week
10. Write my mom a letter expressing my gratitude
11. Live somewhere besides Orange County, CA (I have moved to Arlington, WA)
12. Meet the love of my life
13. Write a book
14. Work at a summer camp
15. Be content with who God has made me (I have gotten closer to this)
16. Camp in Yosemite (I spent a night there this summer and Katelynn and I are planning on a trip this summer.)
17. Own a home (with a red door)
18. Write a letter to my children declaring my love.
19. Ride my bike down the California Coast
20. Kiss my husband on top of a mountain
21. Write good youth Bible Study curriculum (this could be potentially happening very soon)
22. Home school my children for one year (at least).
23. Raise my children (not let the school)
24. Disciple (this is happening in many different ways)
25. Be a disciple (God has been working on me with this and it has been awesome!!!)
26. Befriend an enemy
27. Share God's amazing love with students (that is my job cool is that?)
28. Create a photo mural
29. Drive across the country
30. Jet ski
31. Para sail
32. Backpack
33. Take pictures of God's amazing creation and create a book.
34. Take students on a mission trip (I took the young adults and the youth this summer to was really awesome. I am ready to go again.)
35. Take time to experience Creation
36. Make an effort to show girls that they are beautiful
37. Do disaster relief
38. Wear a size 9
39. Read the Grapes of Wrath
40. Develop a Camp
41. Learn not to worry
42. Learn to play the guitar
43. Learn to play the piano
44. Give something that is important to me to another person
45. Write Nell a letter to tell her how much I love her and what an amazing friend she has been
46. Fly the para plane
47. Drive the entire West Coast (I almost did that from Orange County to Arlington...not quite though)
48. Take Katelynn on vacation
49. Play Tyrone at my wedding
50. Get to know my nieces
51. Get a doctorate degree
52. Fast
53. Create a strong prayer life
54. Create a strong quiet time
55. Learn to be still before the Lord
56. Tithe regularly
57. Love
58. Be loved
59. Live an honoring life to God.
60. Learn to listen to God.
It is really awesome what happens in a year. There has been alot that I have learned and done this year and the exciting thing is that there is still more. I will have the rest of my list soon. What about you? What would you like to do before you die?