Resting has not always been something that I have been good at. I have always been one to go, go , go and not stop until I have been kicked in the face. I am now coming to realize how vital rest is and how much I lack it. I mean I get enough sleep. I don't need to rest in that sense, but more in the way I live life. Not adding more onto my plate because I think that I can handle it, not trying to do more that I should, but taking time to sit and be still. To be quiet and alone, to enjoy life and not make everything about having to get something done.
Beginning today I am going to be making the choice to learn how to rest, how to enjoy life and live life to the fullest, enjoying life and not making it a burden. I believe that God has given me this life as a gift and it needs to be enjoyed. Beginning today I am looking for that really cool rest area in my life where it is beautiful, sunny and hopefully has clean facilities.
So my question is how do you rest? Do you rest? What do you think rest is? Let's talk.
Rest to me is reading a book, walking around my favorite shops by myself, scrapbooking, watching my fave movies, sometimes making dinner, and taking an afternoon nap. I have found though that I need to be busy for a while so that when these chances of rest come up I enjoy them more. This is where subbing is sometimes hard for me becuase I will have days between jobs and being home too much sucks.
quit blogging and go rest!
I don't know how to rest. I need to learn how to turn the noise off and ignore all the distractions. Alisha
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