Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Have you ever heard news about someone that you knew was inevitable, but still hits you hard? That happened today. It isn't bad per say, just something that you never really wanted to hear or that you knew you would hear, but always wanted to avoid. I always wanted to avoid this, but avoidance isn't the answer to life, living is and I am living. With living comes emotion which sucks most of the time, but reminds me that I am living and I love that part of it. So hear goes the inevitable that can't be avoided...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

When that inevitable moment or news comes along that, to me, is God's way of saying, "You are ready for this moment. You are ready to accept it and move on to create your own moments. I know the plans I have for you."
Do some of those inevitable moments stink????? Yes but I think that is part of the definition of inevitable...then again so is "able to overcome". =)