Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Today is the 4th day of my support raising trip to California and honestly I am feeling very defeated. I don't really know what else to do. I have called people and emailed people and it just seems that I can't get a hold of anyone. Today I am going to go to the restaurant that I used to work at and see if I can get a hold of the owners, but who knows. I don't know if I left on this trip expecting too much of if I haven't put in enough effort. I feel as if I am walking a hard line knowing so deep inside of me that this ministry is where I need to be, but being so frustrated with support. I so desperately want people to see my heart, the longing that I have for these students to be loved, to see Christ in them...but how does that translate when they are not there and don't see them face to face? How do I make them understand? How do you explain passion, excitement, hurt and despair?

I don't know. All that I know is that it will work somehow. No matter how defeated I may feel I must listen, be still and know that I am not in control. I must release everything that makes sense to me and learn to see life with new colors, not just black and white. I must remember that God works in ways that I don't understand. SO here goes nothing...

Monday, July 21, 2008


This week I am in California with one of my students on a support raising trip. It's weird because it doesn't feel right to be in California any more. Maybe I have finally become a Pacific North Westerner. I really don't know.

Honestly though, I am terrified of this week. I have a hard time support raising because I feel awkward talking to people about money. Please be praying for this week. Please be praying the people here will see the need in Arlington and want to be a part of it. Please be praying that I will be able to share the heart and passion that I have for these kids. Please be praying that I will be able to connect with the right people and for the open house that we will be having on Thursday night. Please be praying for this week.

Also, please be praying was I have a week on one on one time with an awesome student. Please pray that time will be intentional and good. I am nervous and scared about this week, but I know that God is at work and I have seen Him move more in the past few weeks than I ever have in my life...I know He is in control.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

When God Shows up

So we have returned from our amazing 9 day trip down the Owyhee River in Oregon. It was an awesome trip where God showed up over and over again. I was going to sit here and tell you all the stories and amazingness when I thought about reading Stuart's blog. He actually is making videos telling the stories and since I don't have a video camera and he is already telling the stories I have decided to share with you his videos. So sit back and enjoy part one of this awesome trip.

Oh and thanks Stuart for your awesome video blogs!!!